Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/20/1993 04:50 PM Senate RLS

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                     SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                    
                         April 20, 1993                                        
                            4:50 p.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Senator George Jacko, Chairman                                               
  Senator Steve Rieger, Vice Chairman                                          
  Senator Rick Halford                                                         
  Senator Suzanne Little                                                       
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  Senator Fred Zharoff                                                         
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  SENATE BILL NO. 145                                                          
  "An Act establishing the position of state medical examiner;                 
  and relating to preparation of death certificates."                          
  SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 31                                               
  Relating to the minimum federal criteria for municipal solid                 
  waste landfills.                                                             
  SENATE BILL NO. 45                                                           
  "An Act relating to persons under 21 years of age; providing                 
  for  designation  of `safe  homes'  for runaway  minors; and                 
  providing for an effective date."                                            
  HOUSE BILL NO. 144                                                           
  "An Act relating to fees  for certain costs of administering                 
  the permanent fund dividend program."                                        
  HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 30                                                
  Relating to epidemiological and quarantine services in ports                 
  of entry in the state.                                                       
  PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION                                             
  SB 145 - See State Affairs minutes dated 4/5/93 and                          
           4/7/93.  See HESS minutes dated 4/12/93.                            
           Finance report 4/20/93.                                             
  SJR 31 - See Community & Regional Affairs minutes                            
           dated 4/20/93.                                                      
  SB  45 - See HESS minutes dated 3/5/93 and 3/19/93.                          
           Finance report 4/13/93.                                             
           See Rules minutes dated 4/16/93.                                    
  HB 144 - See Judiciary minutes dated 3/31/93 and 4/8/93.                     
           Finance referral waived 4/15/93.                                    
  HJR 30 - See HESS minutes dated 4/14/93 and 4/16/93.                         
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 93-5, SIDE A                                                            
  Number 001                                                                   
  The  Senate Rules Committee was  called to order by Chairman                 
  Jacko at 4:50 p.m.                                                           
  SENATOR HALFORD moved  and asked  unanimous consent that  SB
  145 (POSITION  OF STATE  MEDICAL EXAMINER)  be approved  for                 
  calendaring  at   the  Chair's   discretion.    Hearing   no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR HALFORD moved  and asked unanimous consent  that SJR
  31  (EXTEND FED  LANDFILL COMPLIANCE DEADLINES)  be approved                 
  for  calendaring  at  the Chair's  discretion.    Hearing no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  CHAIRMAN JACKO brought SB 45 (MISC. LAWS RELATING TO MINORS)                 
  before the  committee.   SB 45  was sent back  to the  Rules                 
  Committee  from  the  Senate  floor  on 4/19/93  because  of                 
  confusion between the Finance CS and the Rules CS.  However,                 
  it has been determined  that there wasn't a problem  and the                 
  correct version was before the body on the Senate floor.                     
  SENATOR LITTLE  stated she  had two  proposed amendments  to                 
  offer to SB  45.  She  explained that currently, whenever  a                 
  run-a-way youth is picked up by  police, that youth is given                 
  a choice of where he or she may  want to go.  That youth can                 
  either go home,  go to Family &  Youth Services, or go  to a                 
  safe home.   SB 45 changes that by giving that discretion to                 
  the police  officer.   She said  she believes  it is in  the                 
  child's best interest to  let that minor decide where  he or                 
  she wants to go.   Amendment No 1 would put that  discretion                 
  back in the minor's preference.                                              
  SENATOR  LITTLE  moved  Amendment No.  1.    SENATOR HALFORD                 
  objected.   The roll was  taken with  the following  result:                 
  Senator Little voted "Yea" and  Senators Halford, Rieger and                 
  Jacko voted "Nay."  The Chair stated the motion had failed.                  
  SENATOR LITTLE  said another  provision of  the bill  allows                 
  parents  to  "divorce"  their kids.    She  believes parents                 
  should  be  responsible for  their  children until  they are                 
  adults, and if  the bill should pass  without her amendment,                 
  the  state  will incur  greater  costs in  caring  for these                 
  individuals.   Amendment No. 2 would  take out the provision                 
  that allows parents to divorce their children.                               
  SENATOR  LITTLE  moved  Amendment No.  2.    SENATOR HALFORD                 
  objected.   The roll  was taken  with the  following result:                 
  Senator Little voted "Yea" and  Senators Rieger, Halford and                 
  Jacko voted "Nay."  The Chair stated the motion had failed.                  
  SENATOR HALFORD moved and asked unanimous consent that SB 45                 
  be placed back on the calendar at the Chair's discretion.                    
  Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.                                     
  SENATOR HALFORD moved  and asked  unanimous consent that  HB
  144   (FEE  FOR  PFD  ASSIGNMENTS/CLAIMS)  be  approved  for                 
  calendaring  at  the   Chair's  discretion.     Hearing   no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR HALFORD moved  and asked unanimous consent  that HJR
  30  (QUARANTINE SERVICES AT PORTS  OF ENTRY) be approved for                 
  calendaring   at  the   Chair's  discretion.     Hearing  no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  There  being  no   further  business  to  come   before  the                 
  committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.                            

Document Name Date/Time Subjects